What Are You Pretending to Care About Today?

Our collective cultural short term memory is fucked.

Causes and crucial issues pop up and hide away like a game of whack-a-mole. With each instance a new cycle of outrage begins, but the end result is the same: nothing changes.

If it's not important 3 months from now, it was never important.

Any time some pundit, influencer, or algorithm shows you something that pokes at your attention, DEMANDS your outrage, ask yourself: am I willing to commit to caring about this for the next year of my life? 3 years? 5? Do I have so many fucks to give that I can dedicate some to this cause?

Keep a running tab of these causes. You'll be shocked by how quickly they add up.

Or let it wash over you like waves crashing against the rocks. The noise will pass, the mob will move on.

We only have so many fucks to give. Spend them wisely.